In this video, I translate and speak Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Modern Atlantean language, or Thala.
Atlantean is an SOV (Subject Object Verb) language like Amharic, Hindi, Japanese, Burmese, Tamil, among others.
Yanga, Yenga, Yiinga (synonyms for “English“)
Thala, Tala, Dala (synonyms for “Atlantean,“ different dialectal pronunciations)
Alle ~ all / Alea (all’s genitive case)
anshaan ~ human being(s)
seveila ~ freedom
ve ~ and
engaale ~ equal
endayuseolani (dignity and rights), compound noun
~ endayu ~ dignity
~ seolani ~ rights
Heyorah ~ to be born (
...spirit soul)
~ heyorahae ~ born-are (verb neutral conjugation), heyorae (colloquial neutral conjugation)
Azeila ~ they (subject third person plural pronoun)
navajala ~ reason
zeve ~ conscience
~ zeviemi ~ conscience-with (instrumental case) Zeve emi
~ navajala ve zeviemi (reason-and-conscience-with)
Majalah ~ to be blessed,Show more