(酸萝卜老鸭汤) Eat some meat and have drink in cold days, my favorite --pickle radish duck soap|Liziqi

Liziqi channel——pickle duck soap 天冷少不得来顿酒肉,就爱这醇厚酸味——酸萝卜老鸭汤 也不知道现在算不算倒春寒, 反正这几天出奇的冷。 加上太累没什么胃口, 就煮了一锅开胃又热乎的酸萝卜老鸭汤! 大冷天的喝上一碗酸香开胃,汤头醇鲜。 吃肉喝酒完了碗都没洗就蹿被窝里倒头大睡! 得过且过呗! It is a chilling spring day, outrageous cold, too tired and lose appetite, about to cook a big pot of hot and tasty sour pickle duck soup, and enjoy a bowl of savory , mouth-watering soup in this cold weather , rush into warm quilt leaving dishes unwashed, call a day~ Subscribe to Liziqi Channel on YouTube: more videos of
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