Revenant Reborn New Abilities GAMEPLAY

Revenant Reborn OFFICIAL In-Game Abilities in Season 18 of Apex Legends. Revenant NEW Passive, Tactical, and Ultimate Abilities Showcase 👀 Revenant’s Season 18 abilities have changed and here are the in-game abilities within Apex Legends: Revenant’s Passive - Assassin’s Instinct: Wall climb improved for more horizontal movement. Also able to see nearby enemies that are low on health, and if Revenant gets them low himself, he marks the enemy position for his team Revenant’s Tactical - Shadow Pounce: Unleash a powerful leap forward that closes the gap between Revenant and his prey, reach height on a wall, or to simply reposition. You can hold it to ’charge’ the leap and go even farther. Revenant’s Ultimate - Forged Shadows: Creates a shroud of shadows around him that prevents direct incoming damage (eg bullets, explosives, melee), but not ring or caustic gas/fire. His hitbox is enlarged making him a bigger target. Shadows recharge, and com
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