If you want to lose love handles then you better start doing an obliques workout so you can be sure they look good when you drop the excess body fat. In this video, I’m going to show you the perfect obliques workout that you can do at home with no equipment at all. That said, since we know that body fat accumulation over this area can lead to the dreaded love handles, I’m going to point you to some nutritional guidance as well that will help you to lose weight and show off those obliques as you develop them. In terms of the workout, it helps to first understand a bit of the anatomy of the oblique muscles in order to get the most out of your training and to lose love handles fast. The obliques are composed of both internal obliques and external obliques. As implied, the internal run deeper than the external and are actually not visible to the naked eye from the outside. The direction of the fibers run perpendicular to each other with the external obliques running down and in and the internal obliques running
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