Voluntary donations here: And God performed a miracle! He divided the Red Sea! The width of the path was at least 8 km in order to carry from 1.5 to 4 million people in 4 hours! The ark stopped on the mountains of Ararat! The Jews passed through the Red Sea on the same day! And 1000 years passed from the 1st to the last event! After the Exodus, exactly 40 years later, with an accuracy of 1 day on 10th of Nisan, the people of God crossed the Jordan to enter the Promised Land. Jordan is the widest, deepest and fastest of all rivers, but God made a miracle as with the division of the Red Sea. The Jordan River stood as a wall, and the people of God made the transition to the Promised Land. They celebrated Passover, God gave them manna for the last time, and on the 17th of Nisan they were already eating the fruits of the Promised Land! Only God can make it so that events related to one theme take place on the same day of the calendar for thous
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