Funny tiny kittens learning how to eat from the bowl

Funny tiny kittens learning how to eat from the bowl. One got dirty, the other washes himself On the 10th july our cat Cherry gave birth to 3 kittens. We will be filming a lot of videos about how our kittens are growing up. Subscribe if you want to follow their life. Thank you so much for your comments and likes to my videos! All videos of these kittens in this playlist #shorts #BritishKittensLife #newbornkittens #kittensgrowingup #britishshorthair #teddykittens #cutekitten #adorablekitten #thecutestkittensvideos #bestkittensandmothercatvideos #adorableandangrybabykittens #babykittens #adorablekittens #cutekittens #cutekitty #animals #catmeow #meowing #happycats #meow #cutecatvideos #cutekittenvideos #theworldofcats #cat #catvideos #funnycatvideos #funnykittens #babycats #luckypaws #kittymeowing #kitty sweetest kittens the cutest kittens videos best kittens and mother cat videos the sweetest kittens in the
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