Korean Fried Chicken with Spicy Sauce

How To Make Korean Fried Chicken with Spicy Sauce Recipe [ASMR] これが本場韓国料理!ヤンニョムチキンの作り方 の作り方 [Eating sound] My new channel for Cat Vlog: Instagram: Facebook: ●● Recipe (レシピ): - 500g Chicken (チキン) - 1/2Tsp Salt (塩) - 1/8Tsp Chili powder (チリパウダー) - 1/8Tsp Garlic powder (ガーリックパウダー) - 1/8Tsp Black pepper (胡椒) - Wait for 15 minutes (15分待つ) - 100g All purpose flour (中力粉) - 50g Corn starch (コーン&
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