15. Female Disadvantage

Global Problems of Population Growth (MCDB 150) In East and South Asia there are many more boys than girls. Previously, this resulted from female infanticide, now it is sex-selective abortion. In those cultures, girls generally marry out of the family as teenagers and thus provide no benefit for the family that raised them. Bangla Desh is agriculturally very rich, but its population is so dense that per capita income is one of the lowest in Asia. Despite the poverty, an excellent family planning program has greatly reduced fertility. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Sex Ratios 15:31 - Chapter 2. Sex Selective Abortion 25:15 - Chapter 3. Genetic Sex Ratios and Cultural Sex Ratios 37:53 - Chapter 4. Other Examples of Female Disadvantage 44:12 - Chapter 5. Population in Bangladesh 58:36 - Chapter 6. Bangladesh and Family Planning 01:08:32 - Chapter 7. Family Planning in India Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:
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