Гусеница и паучок отличные упражнения для домры

Сегодня - для вас парочка упражнений под «кодовым» названием «Гусеница и паучок». Играйте их подряд и ваши пальцы (и координация) скажут вам спасибо! Как это говорю вам я за ваши отзывы и лайки))). Today - for you a couple of exercises under the “code“ name “Caterpillar and spider“. Play them in a row and your fingers (and coordination) will thank you! As I tell you for your reviews and likes))). There are two exercises: the “caterpillar” and the “spider”. They need to be played one by one. The “caterpillar” is a chromaticism of 4 sounds on all strings. First, we play at a moderate pace, speeding up to the maximum possible speed. Shift by half a tone... play to the highest possible position. Moving in the opposite direction, start playing with 4 fingers. When we return, we immediately start playing “spider”. It is a known exercise sounds reduced seventh chord. It is played with 1-3, 2-4 fingers. Also, we reach the highest possible position and move in the opposite direct
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