Slime free Add-On for Blender 3.1

Hi there! So I made this Slime add-on in Blender 3.1. It will basically create procedural slime between objects (with Geometry Nodes), so a lot of its parameters will be controllable. You can download it for free in Gumroad: Please let me know if you like it or what can be improved. Feedback is welcome! Also if you find any bugs or malfunctions you can send me an email: imatey AT For future versions of this add-on I will like to add the possibility of creating slime in a collection of objects and within the objects themselves (for creating slimy interiors with jut a click). I will like to do this avoiding problems of intersection of the slime with the if the slime would only come from fixed points of the objects, instead of changing when they move, making animations of the slime could be possible (avoiding to work with fluid/cloth sims)Also I will like to make the slime more realistic (maybe with a remesh modifier?).THANKS :)
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