Control Anger by Vishnu Das Disciple of Jagad Guru Srila Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa Chris Butler

Control Anger Vishnu das, a disciple of Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Control the anger. The question is, “Is this possible?“ Yes. You need to recognize what kind of anger is your problem. There’s two kinds of anger. One anger is the anger when you are influenced by other people who are angry already. And another anger is that anger which you generate yourself. You generate anger and you identify yourself with the anger. Yogis don’t do who practice yoga, they understand, “I am not my material body and I am not my mind.“ The first step actually is when you recognize your physical body is not you. The second step is that your mind is not you. Your mind is not you. This is one point but another deeper point is that which is in the mind. So the mind includes your thoughts, your feelings, your concerns and, of course, sometimes the anger appears. So usually what people say, people identify themself with that which is in the mind. They tell us, “I am a
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