Many Die In School Fire (1958)

Full title reads: “Chicago. Many Die In School Fire“. Chicago, Illinois, United States of America (USA). GV Firemen and rescue workers around the school of Our Lady of the Angels in Chicago. LV Smoke coming from the windows as firemen continue rescue work. LV Rescue workers bringing a body out on stretcher, camera pans from school entrance to the stretcher bearers. LV Ladders resting against smashed windows and firemen inside. SV Fireman on ladder and camera pans to another fireman leaning out of broken window SV Rescue workers carrying bodies downstairs inside the school. SV Pan shot: body being brought out on stretcher. SV Water pouring down the school steps as rescuers go back in. SV Pan shot: body being brought out on stretcher. CU Doors of an ambulance being closed. LV Ambulance coming towards on way to hospital. LV Interior shot: doctors and nurses attending survivors in the St. Anne’s Hospital. SV Nurse attending a boy survivor who has an arm and hand bandaged. CU The boy. SV Parents looking
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