21 Sandbag Core Exercises
21 Sandbag Core Exercises
1. Side Lunge To Balance Press (0:37)
2. Loading Dock (0:52)
3. Rotational Swings (1:08)
4. Pivot Swings (1:25)
5. Single Leg Hinge and Press (1:37)
6. Squat and Chest Press (1:57)
7. Side Lunge to 2 Way Press (2:16)
8. Sandbag Rocker (2:39)
9. Rainbow Clean (2:55)
10. Reverse Lunge With Rotational Press (3:11)
11. Glute Bridge and Chop (3:25)
12. Anti-Rotational Plank Pull (3:45)
13. Sandbag Hinge (4:01)
14. Kneeling Chop (4:15)
15. Sandbag Dead Bug (4:30)
16. Sandbag Scissors (4