Episode 1. Series based on Valery Fadeev’s book “Transforming Humanism“. The Day of Wrath
Series of the Institute of Heritage and Modern Society of the Russian State University for the Humanities based on Valery Fadeev’s book “Transforming Humanism“. Episode 1.
We are living in a time of vast and deep global social crisis. We do not feel this crisis acutely because it is spread over time.
Whose crisis is this? What kind of crisis is it and what is its scope and depth?
We are witnessing the weakening of the social state in the leading Western powers. The inequality of countries, the inequality of social groups within countries has reached a critical level. The difference between positive and negative values is being erased. Good and evil become relative. Society is fragmenting into small, isolated, aggressive groups. More and more workers are alienated from the results of their labor. The breakdown of the family, now same-sex marriage is the norm. The degradation of culture. The gap between culture for the chosen few and culture for the masses. Ecological crisis. Digitalization, artificial intelligence. Geneticists promise to breed new types of people.
Will this crisis become tragic for humanity and for each person, or will it be possible to overcome it without severe consequences?
Valery Fadeev, Scientific Director of the Institute of Heritage and Modern Society at the Russian State University for the Humanities.
Watch the series based on the book by Valery Fadeev “Transforming Humanism“ and follow our news on the platforms of the Institute of Heritage and Modern Society of the Russian State University for the Humanities:
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Read the e-book “Transforming Humanism“:
“Music under license from Apollo Music Publishing, LLC“:
1) Apollo_MCCD_54_3Suite-For-Solo-Cello-No1-In-G-Major-Bwv-1007-PreludeJohann-Sebastian-Bach-Christopher-Todd-Landor.
2) Apollo_AHB_23_18The-HuntMiika-Warsell
3) Apollo_AMPT_3015_35HISTORY-REPEATINGDavid-Matthew-Disher.
4) Apollo_EMPMS_5_69The-VoiceDavid-Schoenwetter
5) Apollo_SUPIAS_5_3A-Nation-On-EdgeNicolas-Martin
6) Apollo_SUPIDR_25_17Another-DayStefano-Pallotti-Victor-Galey-Matteo-Locasciulli.
7) Apollo_AD_2204_1LET-IT-BOUNCEGrischa-Gutzmann
8) Apollo_AHB_9_78MarvelousVeaceslav-Draganov.
9) Apollo_AMPT_3023_29LOVE-IS-JAZZPiotr-Pacyna
10) Apollo_4EM_194_3Mysterious-ViewLindsay-Marcus
11) Apollo_SUPIE_2_9Move-Heaven-And-Earth-Le-Fat-Club-RemixSimon-Bridonneau-Romain-Trouillet
Music under license from Envato Elements Item
1) Chinese New Year PRO association: BMI Full name: Zaplotinsky Kiril #IP number: 00395188416
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