Hail Cannon Vortex Cloud Buster First Test Run with HHO Gas 5-15-2015
In the beginning of this video demonstration the individual was demonstrating his oxygen and acetylene Hail cannon.
These canyons were designed to change the weather pattern of the up and down whether current that creates the hail interfering with the turbulence that creates a hail.
This was our first test in the video that we introduced a small balloon filled with hydrogen and oxygen gas to test in the hail cannon. During this demonstration we did not have the proper configurations the machine was designed to do to have all external doors shut during ignition. Our little holes attached to a balloon was interfering with the compression force not allowing the proper shockwave and air to leave properly. All of us were impressed with the little bit of HHO Gas and the power it had at the moment that needs the proper cannon setups to work correctly without hose interference going through the small doors for the cannon to work correctly. As you can hear in the video when the HHO Gas balloon goes off the vib