Most Insane Comanche Punishments Used During the Wild West

Numerous Indian tribes populated what is now North America for centuries, all cultures rich in beliefs and customs that roamed the arid terrain of the Wild West and indomitably opposed the European settlers. Most will have heard of the Apaches, one of the best known tribes portrayed in the movies, but among the Native Americans, there also existed a particularly powerful and numerous nation called “Comanches“. They instilled fear during battles, being called “Invincible Warriors“ by their adversaries during the 19th century. Today we will learn how this forgotten culture lived, fought and punished its enemies. Welcome to Copernicus’s Galaxy. Native American life before the arrival of Europeans. European colonization brought with it knowledge of architecture, metal manipulation, firearms and many resources that the North American tribes did not have. But, the conquest of these territories was not exactly peaceful and it is certainly questionable whether it really helped the
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