Salve Maria!
Here is a compilation of the most beautiful Traditional Latin Hymns to Mary: Marian Gregorian Chants, they may be called. These chants have been intoned by the Heralds of the Gospel Seminary Choir, Brazil.
What is a Gregorian Chant?
Gregorian chant is the church’s own music, born in the church’s liturgy. Its texts are almost entirely scriptural, coming for the most part from the Psalms or composed by saints. For centuries it was sung as pure melody, in unison, and this is still the best way to sing chant. It was composed entirely in Latin; and because its melodies are so closely
...tied to Latin accents and word meanings, it is best to sing it in Latin.
Because the liturgy was sung almost entirely in Gregorian chant in the Middle Ages (with polyphony saved for special occasions), every type of liturgical text has been set in chant: readings, prayers, dialogues, Mass propers, Mass ordinaries, office hymns, office psalms and antiphons, responsories, and versicles.
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