10th Zinoviev Readings: Panel discussion 1

X International Conference “The Zinoviev Readings”: “Alexander Zinoviev and the Foresight of a New Geopolitical Realit” October 29, 2019, Moscow, Rossiya Segodnya International Multimedia Press Center. Greater Hall. Panel discussion 1. Topic: “The New World Order and Main Development Trends for Russia for the Next Decade“ Moderator: Vladimir Lepekhin, Member Member of the IIA “Rossiya Segodnya” Zinoviev Club Keynote speech: Olga Zinoviev, Director of the Alexander Zinoviev Biographical Institute, Co-Chair of the IIA “Rossiya Segodnya” Zinoviev Club Speakers: Olga Zinovieva (Russia), Vladimir Lepekhin (Russia), Horst Telchik (Germany), Vladimir Grinin (Russia), Elena Panina (Russia), Sergey Zheleznyak (Russia), Miroslav Ivanovich (Serbia), Giulietto Chiesa (Italy) During the First panel the awarding ceremony of Alexander Zinoviev Philosophical price, a Literature price and Enlightenment price is going to take place.
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