Multifandom Tribute (Fire) { Merlin, Smallville, Btvs, Angel

*HD AND LOUD SPEAKERS/HEADPHONES* Reblog: This video has possible spoilers for all the fandoms in the title. My very first multifandom video!! I only did four fandoms, because it was my first and didn’t want to overwhelm myself, and ofcourse these shows are my 4 all-time favorites!! I“m really glad with how this video turned out, and I defintely am going to make more multifandom videos! This is also the first time I used a watermark, I hope it isn’t too distracting :s My holiday is almost over, and than I’ll have school again so I’ll have less time for making video’s :c I’ll try and upload a video every week, but it’s more probable I’ll end up doing one video every two weeks. Anyway, enjoy, likes and/or comments are always appreciated and don’t forget to check out my other fanvideo’s and to subscribe cause there’s a wh
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