Francesco Albanese: “Piscatore ’e stu mare ’e Pusilleco“ Text And Translation 1942

Piscatore ’e stu mare ’e Pusilleco/Fisherman from the Pusilleco sea! Ch’ogne notte mme siente ’e cantà/You who hear me singing every night. Piscató, sti pparole só lacreme/Fisherman, my words are tears! pé Maria ca luntana mme sta./ for Maria who has gone away. Dorme ’o mare, voca, voca./The sea sleeps, come, come! Tutt’ é pace attuorno a me./Everything around me is peaceful. Ma pecché/Why? Ma pecché mm’hê lassato?/Why did you go away? Mentr’io moro, stannotte, pe’tté./Leaving me here tonight, to die! Zitt
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