Panzer Corps Tutorial - Basics

Panzer Corps brings back the venerable tactical and strategic gameplay of the Five Star General series by the legendary SSI. If you don’t remember it, imagine intricate multi-layered gameplay, grand offensives, and fierce struggle for victory across Europe and Africa in the largest armed conflict in recorded history - World War II. Basic gameplay Panzer Corps is a tactical game, where you don’t need to worry about establishing bases or building units, but rather effectively using them in combined arms operations and defeat the enemy. All the action takes place on the tactical map which covers the majority of the screen. In most scenarios your goal is to capture or hold victory hexes, marked with golden border. Every unit may make one move and one attack per turn. A unit’s remaining actions are indicated by small icons above the unit’s strength plate. Deployment In a campaign game core units travel with you from battle to battle and auxiliary units may come temporarily under your contro
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