Jon Stewart calls out Senators over Veterans benefits and Rep. Omar and AOC hold a press conference.

I was up on Capitol Hill today and so were a bunch of Congressman holding back-to-back press conferences, the first with Jon Stewart talking about the burn pit health care bill for Veterans, and the second concerning a Palestinian-American journalist who was kill in Israel. Senators and Representatives, like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar were speaking and I was there to film it all. Show not Tell. —————— PenguinSix is an apolitical guy in a political town who likes to walk a lot. He has hiked over 17,000 miles (27,000kms) in the past six years and is still walking today. He is an American expat who spent the last decade in Hong Kong with his family and is now back in Washington DC, continuing his daily ritual of taking very long hikes around the city catching the sights and sounds of the city while live streaming to share with others. History, culture, life as an expat (with reverse culture shock), and the pitiful Chinese food in Washington DC are regular topics of discussion. F
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