Thai Chicken Stew!

Thai Chicken Stew | One of my go to meals that’s not only incredibly tasty but also a breeze to prepare, using the best of Dunnes Stores ingredients! 🍲 #brandpartner Serves: 4 Time: 45 mins 1 red chilli, deseeded 2 garlic cloves 3 stalks of lemongrass 3 large thumb sized pieces of ginger, peeled and roughly sliced A small handful of kaffir lime leaves, or zest of 2 limes 1 tbsp of sunflower oil 8 chicken thighs, boneless and skinned, sliced in half 2 tbsp of fish sauce 400g tin coconut milk A large handful of coriander, roughly chopped 6 spring onions, finely sliced 240g of basmati rice, cooked Sea salt & freshly ground black pepper 1. In a small hand blender, blitz together the red chilli, garlic, lemongrass, ginger and lime leaves until well combined. 2. Heat a frying pan over a high heat and add the sunflower oil. Season the chicken with salt & pepper and brown off in the pan until you have a nice golden colour on either side. Remove the chicken from the pan and place on a plate lined with kitchen paper. 3. Pour the oil and any crispy bits remaining in the pan into a medium sized high sided pot and place over a medium high heat. Add in the blitzed ingredients and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until they release their aromatics. Add the chicken into the pan along with the fish sauce and coconut milk. 4. Cook over a gentle heat for 10 minutes until the sauce has reduced a little and the chicken is thoroughly cooked through.  5. Serve the chicken over the rice and give a generous sprinkle of spring onions and coriander. Enjoy!
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