DIY - How to make a SCEPTER from A4 paper

Instructions on how to make a royal scepter out of A4 paper with your own hands. ------- Materials: - 5 sheets of A4 paper, - dry glue - scissors - pencil -------------- It takes about 60 minutes of your time to make 1 such craft. **************************************** Reference: SCEPTER (dr. Greek σκῆπτρον “stick, staff, rod”) - an ancient symbol of power, used by the pharaohs, resembles a shepherd’s staff, later used by the church as a sign scepters were used as regalia, but for convenience they were shortened to the size of a wand and decorated with jewelry. The ruler putting the “Crown” on his head, the “Scepter” must hold in his right hand, and the “Power” in his left, often the monarchs were depicted in paintings in exactly this way. **************************************** MIDDLE AGES from paper: Other DI
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