The Soviet Union had a chance to computerize and automate its economy. Why did efforts to achieve this vision not succeed? This video covers a brief history of cybernetics in the USSR and offers some explanations for the ultimate demise of automated planning in the Soviet context.
Narration, script, and editing by M.
Animated intro by Jack, co-host of the Auxiliary Statements podcast @AuxStatements on Twitter.
Intro music by Charles Tristan:
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00:00 - 00:48 Background
00:49 - 01:01 Intro
01:02 - 03:55 A Brief History
03:56 - 05:44 Picturing Automated Socialism: Motivations for Automated Planning
05:45 - 07:06 Picturing Automated Socialism: EASU
07:07 - 10:21 Picturing Automated Socialism: OGAS
10:22 - 13:50 What Went Wrong?: The Political
13:51 - 15:16 What Went Wrong?: The Technical
15:17 - 16:17 What Went Wrong?: A Fundamental Incompatibility?
16:18 - 18:29 ConclusionShow more