~ Booo! ver. - Niconico Video sm38281475

同日撮影の踊った前作→【妹の誕生日に】ワタシノテンシ 踊ってみた! ver.寿桃(sm37781284) 歌った前作→白い恋人達 cover.寿桃( ) The third work that sang and danced! Pudding is a grilled pudding group! * The image quality is poor due to a setting error, so it may flicker when viewed on a large display ... (´ ・ ω ・ `) 楽曲本家:TOKOTOKO(西沢さんP)さま(sm34067662) 振付本家:足太ぺんたさま(sm34090226) もろもろぜんぶ:寿桃(すもも) ( ) (mylist/62421296) ( ) 寿桃 02/17/2021 19:00 Views 1,253
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