Надежда Обухова “Ночь светла“ Старинный русский романс Лучшее исполнение. Nadezhda Obukhova “Noch Svetla“ Russian Romance

Надежда Обухова “Ночь светла“ Старинный русский романс Лучшее исполнение. Nadezhda Obukhova “Noch Svetla“ Russian Romance Надежда Обухова (1886—1961) . Ночь светла (М. Шишкин - H. Языков). Nadezhda Obukhova (1886—1961). Noch Svetla (Light is the Night). Old Russian Romance (M. Shishkin - N. Yazykov). Light is the night. The moon is Shining quietly over the river. And there is silver moonshine On the blue? wave. The forest is dark. The nightingale isn’t singing Loudly its songs On the emerald-green branches Of the silent trees. The blue flowers Are in full bloom in the moonshine. They have awakened dreams In my
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