Crew of the ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun of the Ivanovo paratroopers guard the airspace near Chasov Yar

Crew of the ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun of the Ivanovo paratroopers guard the airspace near Chasov Yar Air defense units of the Ivanovo Airborne Forces unit continuously, day and night, carry out combat duty to cover the units from enemy air attack and reconnaissance means. In the area of ​​Chasov Yar, paratrooper units are protecting crews of 23-mm ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns from air strikes. Anti-aircraft paratroopers are constantly on combat duty not only for air defense and covering formation units during active combat operations, but also strike enemy personnel with fragmentation shells. For mobility of the crew, the paratroopers modernized the UAZ Patriot Farmer for military needs, strengthening the frame and installing supports for stability during shooting. Join Military Wave Source: Military Wave
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