Modern Melodic Death Metal Megamix

- Tracktiming below - After two melodeath megamixes, I decided to make one for it’s subgenre before working on #3. I didn’t make it to fill 5 hours for a few reasons; one is, being a critical listener, that there’s a really thin line between metalcore and MMDM, and I wanted to keep the music closest to core-less MDM. Two is that I’m not too familiar with this genre and this vid was the result of having a free day x) Still a solid amount of songs if you ask me! As you should all know by now, I did leave out most of the better known bands because of copyright issues, and besides that, we all know them. Track/bands names are in the vid, but if there’s any trouble, don’t hesitate telling me. Tracktiming: #1 0:00:00 #2 0:06:36 #3 0:11:19 #4 0:15:50 #5 0:19:27 #6 0:22:52 #7 0:26:35 #8 0:30:21 #9 0:33:54 #10 0:38:06 #11 0:41:48 #12 0:45:40 #13 0:49:11 #14 0:53:44 #15 0:56:42 #16 1:00:59 #17 1:04:36 #18 1:07:
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