What causes tooth decay?

What causes tooth decay? What is it that lives on our teeth, gums, and tongue? Microbes! These microbes can be good or bad and the bad ones can cause tooth decay. There are many types of bacteria that cause tooth decay; these can be Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, and Lactobacillus. This is not at all exaggerated: as soon as we eat something, our bad, tiny microbes start to initiate a fierce battle in our mouth. The bacteria use every bit of leftover foods and drinks that contain sugar or starch as ingredients to produce acids that can eat away the tooth’s hardest surface, the enamel. The wound in the tooth that we’ve noticed as the dental cavity and the surrounding devastating, sticky, transparent film of microbes as dental plaque. Battling the destruction the microbes has brought, is the minerals in our saliva, consisting of mainly Calcium and Phosphate. Together with Flouride from the toothpaste,
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