#24. Biospheric Social Economic System as an Object of Governance | Mikhail Velichko

24th video in course “Educational Project: NOOSPHERE“ by Mikhail Velichko 0:26 ― First lecture devoted to the economy as an object of governance 2:34 ― Very few people who are interested in the economy, however, if we turn to almost everything that surrounds us, then it is a product of collective labour 4:45 ― There is no solution to economic problems isolated exclusively in the field of the economy and finance 7:40 ― On the conditionality of economy by nraviousness 15:06 ― Connections between micro-, macro- and megalevels of the economy 20:02 ― First question: if there is a primitive community, does trade exist in it? 46:48 ― Considering the historical development of the monetary system 54:08 ― Introduction into market of invariant of the price-current For Answers to the questions: What is SOVEST? What is NRAVIOUSNESS? What is PRAVIOUSNESS? See the video: For an overvi
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