You and Your Consciousness PT 3: Communicating

#consciousness #kimpossible Beginning to Communicate by Reading Frequencies With the Planet, Nature, Other Humans. The Importance of Discernment and How To Discern Information. By practicing #meditation we all get to increase Earth’s and our own consciousness. There is no “End-game“ as our perpetual reincarnation “levels up“ our current and future vehicle(s) through each life. Once we get to a post 3D world we get so much more choice with being human; meaning we get to explore the multiverse, interact, share and expand our knowledge with our real native ancestors. Our increased consciousness shall also offer a much clearer and logical perception of our world, a limitless world with no boundaries. Find the right #frequency of #meditationmusic for your #ascension @_soundsleep [MIRRORED] From :-3-Communicating
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