All about Alice: Teacher off the clock ⌚

All about Alice: Teacher off the clock. 🎈 Did you know that teachers also love to do stuff after class? 😂 Here’s my teaching philosophy and personal thought of the week, so to say. Sir Ken Robinson said that we are educating children out of their creative capacities, suffocating them out of their interests because they need to ‘’grow up’’. 💚💚💚 Growing up includes so many things, and that is also accepting your interests and not being ashamed of them. 💚💚💚 😍Here comes my interest biography! Hi! I’m Alice Milica, a 32-year-old ESL teacher and a parent and I like to: ✨ Watch anime. ✨ Read high and low fantasy books. ✨ Collect figures. ✨ Use crazy amounts of stickers and washi tape. ✨ Play video games. ✨ Make LEGO sets for adults. ✨ Make LEGO sets for adults that are from a video game - this one in the post you’re looking just now is from a game called Horizon Zero Dawn. I’m honestly happy that ‘’nerd culture’’ has become more mainstream and that now kids are not mocked (at least not everywhere) for their hobbies that don’t include conventional things. 💚 Let your kids enjoy their interests and they will be so grateful you gave them this amazing gift when they grow up. 💚 Let your kids share their hobbies with me so we can have fun and use them to learn English. So, to conclude, parents and teachers, what has been your most nerdiest thing you enjoyed in 2023? #englishforchildren #englishforkids #teachersofig #teachersofinstagram
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