Jim + Pam || With You

“A lot of people told me that I was crazy to wait this long for a date with a girl who I worked with. But, I think, even then, I was waiting for my wife.“ ━ ❈ ━ I’d like to dedicate this video to bronchitis. Because if it weren’t for it and an Office rerun marathon on Comedy Central then I never would have become so re-obsessed with this show and ESPECIALLY this couple recently. just can’t handle them. They are perfect! They literally owned my middle-school years and were probably the first thing I ever really hardcore shipped. In these last couple weeks all those feels just came rushing back so I had to vid them. Honestly it’s long overdo because like I said, I just adore these two! P.S. I know the song is a little cheesy but I also thought it was super cute for them and I kinda like a little cheese. So sue me. ━ ❈ ━ #jimandpam #theoffice ━ ❈ ━ Watch with headphones. It really does
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