As you may know by now, ’Ddaeng’ has MANY meanings in Korean, and here the rap line guys tapped into every single one of them. I will leave here several annotations hoping to better clarify the song.
1. 18, 13, 38 Ddaeng (Victory):
In the hwatoo card game, 38 is the most powerful card, and 13 and 18 are just below it. When one wins, says Ddaeng. They are basically saying that they have the best cards and no one can win against them.
2. You are wrong, me right. pay attention, you’re wrong:
Ddaeng is like the sound they put on shows when someone has a bad answer. That’s why it translates as a wrong answer.
3. The bell is ringing, you’re ruined:
It has to do with a school children’s song that says “the bell rings ddaeng ddaeng ddaeng“, the classes are over and the children can go home. It’s the same thing BTS says to her haters.
4. You did not get lucky in this life, you’re ruined:
Saying that you were unlucky in this life is common in Korea, and is based on the ancient belief of reincarnation. There are times when you will be reincarnated into a wonderful life and at other times you will be born as something insignificant like a snail. Here they are saying that failed haters have nowhere to come from, at least not in this life. They are Ddaeng, ruined.
5. 0:28 “Hip-hop? They are not (…) Bangtan are a failure”: Here Hoseok is imitating the haters when they said that BTS were Ddaeng in everything.
6. 0:35 But really, bang! (...) they were wrong:
Says they proved all the haters wrong, they’re breaking it everywhere (Bang!) and they were wrong (Ddaeng!).
7. 1:08 If you can’t understand it, your problem has no case:
Your problem is Ddaeng! In other words, it has no case. (LOL)
8. 1:42 We’re all cards in a game, and whoever holds the highest card I really don’t give a shit:
He talks about the card game that I mentioned in point 1. He says that he doesn’t care if he has a high card because as they say, they have them all.
9. When Yoongi repeatedly says in his verse that they’re a failure, it’s sarcasm.
10. Wait, wait, don’t move. You’re frozen:
It is a kids game where if someone touches you they say Ddaeng! You can’t move anymore. BTS played it in the Run BTS episode where they’re with zombies.
11. 2:46 Reviewing pending accounts, ding:
Ddaeng is also the sound given to the cash register. I wrote it as ding for better understanding.
12. 2:48 I’m fine, you’re wrong:
Point 2. It literally says “I’m Ding-Dong, you’re Ddaeng“, since ding-dong would be the opposite sound of Ddaeng.
13. 2:50 It’s not that you’re bad, but I’m the King.
Point 1. It literally says “You are 7 kkeut, I am Ddaeng”, where 7 kkeut is a high card combination in the game but not better than the cards the boys have (18, 13, 38). In other words, it is not that the haters have bad cards, but they continue to rule here.
14. 2:52 They’re just haters with swollen faces.
It is said that you’re Ddaeng when you eat a lot of ramen and your face becomes swollen.
15. 2:59 Because I feel so perplexed I might start s-stutter (…) Because I feel s-s-so good, so good.
This part is based on the Korean saying “입이 비뚤어졌어도 말은 바로 해야지 / Even if your mouth is twisted, you must say the right thing.” It means that no matter where the information comes from, it must always be correct. You must always be honest and not blame the situation. So even if you are happy or sad or serious you must say the truth. Here Namjoon says “I’m trying to say the right thing, but my mouth won’t stop smirking“ (He can’t stop smiling like that because he proved everyone wrong by talking about them like that earlier).
16. 3:23 You are a toad that lives giving honor to its name, I’ll pray for your death in that well.
In Korea, saying “The Toad in the Well“ is talking about someone who thinks he’s cool just because he doesn’t look at others. In his little hole, the toad thinks he is the most powerful and has no idea how insignificant he really is in the world.
Thank you for watching 💜
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2 months ago 00:18:37 1
2025 진 (Jin) & 제이홉 (j-hope) 새해맞이 계획 발표 - BTS (방탄소년단)