~【ほぼ夏】四角い地球を丸くする 踊ってみた【しゅか】 - Niconico Video sm38800278

“Let’s make an original size footprint. Your stride is fine.“ Hello! I’m Shuka Kobutori, a woman who dances night songs in the daytime and winter songs in the spring. I made a mistake again! !! !! sorry! !! I’m a habitual criminal, but this time I thought it was a rare mistake, so I’m shocked myself ... but! !! Unusually the same place as the head family! !! In addition, the costumes were messed up, so please take a look ... Nice and nice music Honke → Nice and nice choreography head family → Thank you for your viewing! If you have any questions ... Kobutori Her Shuka → http: // しゅか 05/27/2021 17:32 Views 501
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