Planet X

Since childhood, he raved about space, having read H. G. Wells, Alexander Belyaev, Isaac Asimov, Ivan Efremov. At that time, it seemed that a little bit and we will go on an excursion to the Moon, Mars, Venus. But the prose of life turned into manual labor to remove potatoes from the ground and collect them in buckets. Those who lived in the USSR know this period of collective-farm avralov for urban residents. And I, as a student of an agricultural university in Kyrgyzstan, had a chance to harvest tomatoes, onions, hazelnuts, exparcet, cucumbers, and later in Uzbekistan I got acquainted with cotton fields. “Something is wrong in this life,“ I thought, looking at the potato tubers. “There are satellites flying around somewhere, symbols of human progress, and I’m like a Colorado beetle digging through manure.“ С детства бредил космосом, начитавшись Геберта Уэллса, Александра Беляева, Айзек Азимова, Ивана Ефремова. В ту пору казалось, чуть-чуть и мы отправимся с экскурсию на Луну,
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