Let’s get ready to learn a box move!
Isn’t it amazing how much you can learn in only 7 days? Imagine how much you’ll have learned by the end of these 28 days 💪🏼
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Welcome to 28 days of twerk! The coming month I am going to teach you how to twerk through little tips and tricks, consistency, expanding your lower back flexibility, increasing your lower body strength AND building your confidence.
I truly believe that you can do anything through practice, cause PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.
Every day is going to start with 50 squats (to warm up your body) and a few affirmations (to warm up your attitude). After that I will challenge you to a new move, a little choreography, or a little endurance challenge using your own favorite songs.
These 28 days are both for beginners and for more advanced dancers. I explain all the moves for my twerk queens in the making, but also give more advanced challenges/options for the advanced ladies ou
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