Harry it’s a fugue

Harry it’s a 3-voice fugue! I composed this little fugue on the “Hedwig’s Theme“ by John Williams. This time I used the original theme without changing or adapting intervals. So It was more difficult to write a bach/baroque-style fugue. There are some strange parts; as I said in the last video, don’t take it too much seriously. But let me know if you liked it in the comments. I love composing fugues with pop/meme subjects. For more content and “meme fugues“ like that, share the video and subscribe @jackyyi_01?feature=shared Thank you for watching 😊 Music: John Williams, Giacomo Minazzi Audio and video: Musescore 3 Insta: Tik tok: @jackiiy01?_t=8ibGgjQ0pBg&_r=1 #harrypotter #fugue #hedwigstheme #classicalmusic #bach #johnwilliams #baroquemusic #electricpiano #clavier #churchorgan #hedwig #harrypotterandthesorcerersstone #harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets #harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban #harrypotterandthegobletoffire #harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix #harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince #harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows #soundtrack
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