INDUSTRY: French cable laying ship brings American - French undersea communication cable...(1927)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit 3,750 miles of American - French communications cablle laid by French ship. comes ashore at? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION - WHERE THE CABLE ENDS - Direct undersea communication between America and France established for the first time. Landing scenes at Havre. FRANCE: Le Havre Cable layiing ship off the coast of Le Havre / line of cable coming in to the shore / men pulling cable onto the sand / officials looking on / town of Le Havre seen in the background CAPTION - Showing the protecting covering of the cable , which is 3,750 miles long Men examining section of the cable Background: 3,750 miles of American - French communications cablle laid by French ship. comes ashore at Le Havre. FILM ID: VLVACDZSU6FR5OQ4NZ55RTUSZRSD5 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by
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