Putin Takes Kim Jong-un For A Ride In The Presidential Aurus Limousine In Russia | Watch

Russian President Vladimir Putin took North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for a ride in his Presidential Aurus limousine. Both the leaders went for a ride after Kim toured Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport in Far East Russia. Kim held talks with Putin amid western fears of a possible arms deal between the two countries. The United States has even warned of further sanctions if Russia and North Korea sign a weapons deal. #vladimirputin #kimjongun #kimputinmeeting #northkorea #russia #putin #putinlimousine Hindustan Times Videos bring you news, views and explainers about current issues in India and across the globe. We’re always excited to report the news as quickly as possible, use new technological tools to reach you better and tell stories with a 360-degree view to give you a better understanding of the world around you.
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