Juan García de Salazar (1639-1710) - Missa de Requiem

Muchas felicidades Juan García de Salazar! 🙏🏼🍷 Composer: Juan García de Salazar (1639-1710) Work: Missa de Requiem (en Fa mayor) a 4 Performers: Coro de camara ’Sebastian Durón’; Instrumental ensemble; José María Bаrquín (conductor) Painting: Bartholomeus Breenbergh (1598-1657) - Das Martyrium des heiligen Laurentius (1647) HD image: Painting: Alessandro Vitali (1580-1650) - The Crucifixion with Saints Sebastian, John the Evangelist and the Virgin Mary HD image: Further info: Listen free: No available --- Juan García de Salazar (Tuesta, Alava, bap. 12 February 1639 - Zamora, 8 July 1710) Spanish composer. He remained in his own immediate family environment until at least 1650. He was a choirboy at Burgos Cathedral, where he studied composition with the maestro de capilla Francisco Ruiz Samaniego. In 1660 he was appointed vice-principal of the choir school there, under Ruiz Samaniego direction. After short stays as maestro de capilla first at the collegiate church of Zamora in 1661, then (from 1663) at the cathedral of Burgo de Osma, he entered and won the public examination for the same post at Zamora Cathedral, where he remained from 1668 until his death in that city on July 1710. Only a few of his numerous settings of Spanish texts, and of his compositions in modern style, are extant, but several a cappella works survive. They consist of masses, hymns, motets etc., all in the stile antico and yet full of expression and often quite modern in idiom. They show him to have been a skilful contrapuntist. His musical language appears to be directly indebted to the great Spanish polyphonists of the seventeenth century; moreover, his personality and career pattern situate him in a cultural setting similar to theirs.
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