Ruslan Nechaev live Dj set MINIMALFRIENDS Minsk Belarus R_sound video

Location: “Чердак“ Belarus, Minsk You can support live mixes, donate here: Listen to live dj set: R_sound Genre: Electronic Style: deep house minimal techno tech R_sound music video. Organizer: MINIMALFRIENDS Architectural project was created in 2015 in the second half of the year ! He began to gain popularity among the club and underground scene ! In Projects you will be able to hear sound formats like minimal , minimal techno , dub techno , techno , deep techno ! Architectural project actively puts video podcasts and organizes active party! Follow: MINIMALFRIENDS Artist: Ruslan Nechaev In 2004, having become the manager of the club, Ruslan actively began to comprehend not only the management skill, but also the basics of DJing. From the very beginning he was distinguished by his special taste and approach to compilation and music in general.
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