Dancing with Leviathan

While working on my 100 point run of MMZ the fight against Leviathan ended up being my favorite one in the game. When I first got to her I was unsure how to approach the battle, unlike the other Guardians which I figured out relatively quickly. What ensued what several hours of practice to come up with a result which I think ended up being pretty interesting. She’s very different from every other boss in the game so I wanted to go into greater detail as to what my strategy was. -To start, nothing Leviathan does appears to be random or influenced by the game’s internal RNG value. Her attack pattern is the same every time: Homing Spears-Ice Ring-Falling Snow. At half health she will add her Ice Dragon EX Skill after the snow. More importantly though, her movement as she swims across the arena is determined by your position on the X and Y axis, down to the very pixel. This means that you can choreograph this fight as you can with MMZ3 bosses, however this is far more precise than anything in Z3. The momen
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