In this week’s video, I break down EVERY painting technique into easy and understandable steps; from beginner techniques like layering to advanced techniques like the loaded brush technique. In this video, I will go over: how to thin your paint, loading your brush, how to achieve the right consistency, layering, glazing, wet blending, feathering, and the loaded brush technique.
0:00 - intro
00:54 - Thinning Your Paints
3:28 - Loading Your Brush
4:59 - Base Coat
7:37 - Layer Coat
9:15 - Lining
10:16 - Glazing
12:07 - Feathering
12:58 - Wet Blending
15:03 - Loaded Brush
My Tools:
My Tools (some of these may be affiliate links):
Red Grass Games Everlasting Wet Palette:
Winsor Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Watercolor Brush - Round #1
Winsor NewtShow more