In Krasnoyarsk, a two-year-old girl died due to a strict vegan diet

In Krasnoyarsk, a two-year-old girl died due to a strict vegan diet. The parents did not give the child animal foods, such as meat, eggs, fish and milk, as a result of which she developed a chronic eating disorder and anemia, from which the baby died. Law enforcement officials opened a criminal case against the girl’s parents, Svetlana and Denis Zhitelev. The guardianship authorities also limited their rights to the two remaining children.🇮🇱 ️🇵🇸 An IDF column entered the Palestinian city of Nablus. The video, shot by Palestinian journalists, shows numerous IDF vehicles driving through the deserted streets. At the same time, Palestinians report that Israel has resumed air raid assaults on the Gaza Strip after a short break. Источник: Lord Of War
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