Cassiopeia is a very ancient constellation that has a variety of mythological tales connected to it. This constellation is classified as a circumpolar constellation, which is one that can be seen all year round. Cassiopeia is one of the easiest constellations to find because of its distinctive ’W’ shape. It can also be used to point towards other constellations and objects in the sky. Explore the stories behind this pattern, discover the easiest ways to find this constellation, and examine the celestial objects that lie within boundaries of Cassiopeia the Queen.
0:00 - Intro to C
1:57 - Legend of Cassiopeia (Greek myth)
4:01 - Pattern of Cassiopeia
10:26 - Celestial Objects in Cassiopeia
11:08 - Cassiopeia A Supernova remnant
12:15 - Messier 52
12:34 - The Bubble Nebula
13:04 - Heart Nebula and Soul Nebula
14:03 - IC 10 Galaxy
15:14 - Review of Cassiopeia
16:34 - Photo Attributes
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