ᛞ F🌋k it, let’s make a Volcano in Houdini (No need to know Houdini)
Is it hard to make a Volcano in Houdini if you don’t know Houdini? Not very.
Freelance Flawlessly with the Process of Motion course:
Get the Tutorial source files:
00:00 Intro
00:30 Introduction to the Houdini interface for Cinema 4D users
Navigating the Scene View
Using A & F to frame all and frame selected
Using the Parameters and Network Editor panels
01:50 Creating the Landscape Heightfield
Making and Naming nodes
Going into Houdini nodes
Working with scale in Houdini
Speeding up your Heightfield
05:36 Creating the Landscape Layout
Using the Heightfield Paint node
Plugging nodes into each other
Understanding the Bypass, Lock, Display / Render, and Template Flags in Houdini
How do I get the brush in the Heightfield Paint node?
Using Heighfield Remap node with the Paint Node to add height to the lan
3 years ago 00:35:31 6
ᛞ Houdini for C4D users: F🌋k it, let’s make a Volcano