Healthy and Delicious: Try These Easy BROCCOLI FRITTERS RECIPE Today!

In this video, we will show you how to make delicious broccoli fritters that are not only tasty but also healthy. These recipe is easy to make and are perfect for a quick and nutritious snack or a light meal. Watch this video to learn how to make these easy and delicious broccoli fritters that are sure to become a family favorite! Subscribe to my channel for more: Y para mis seguidores de habla hispana le dejo el procedimiento aqui: Hervir 2 tazas de coronas de brocoli por 6 minutos, luego picar en trozos muy pequeños, colocar en un tazon, agregar 2 huevos, sal al gusto, pimienta negra al gusto, ajo en polvo 1 cucharadita, 1/3 de taza de queso mozzarella, 4 cucharadas de harina, mezclar y freir a fuego medio/bajo hasta que esten doraditas por ambos lados. #broccolifritters #healthyrecipes #vegetarianrecipes #easyrecipes #snackideas #mealprep #quickmeals #healthysnacks #deliciousfood #cookingvideo #recipevideo #easy
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