When regular Garlic Bread is boring...

Cream Cheese Garlic Bread | 육쪽 마늘빵 Today’s menu is Cream Cheese Garlic Bread also known as 육쪽 마늘빵 (6 wedged garlic bread?) It’s a really popular recipe in . It’s sweeter and creamier than regular garlic bread. I definitely prefer this to the regular ones but It takes slightly more work to make :) Worth the extra effort tho. I used extra large rolls so I was only able to make 3, but if you use slightly smaller sized ones, you can make 4 without a problem :) Ingredients: Dinner Roll: x3 Butter: x150g, Sugar: x3 Tbsp, Crushed Garlic: x60g, Parsley Flakes: x1 Tbsp, Egg: x1, Salt: x0.5 tsp, Milk: x2 Tbsp Cream Cheese: x250g Sugar: x3 Tbsp #CreamCheeseGarlicBread #CreamGarlicBread #GarlicBread #육쪽마늘빵 #마늘빵 --------------- 8-Bit March by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license () Artist: Most sound effects are obtained from ’’ and are licensed under their ’standard license’ As
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